is a national public finance, development economics, and clean energy bond consulting firm with offices in Newport Beach, San Jose, Riverside, and San Francisco, California, as well as in Dallas and Houston, Texas, and Raleigh, North Carolina. Since the firm’s establishment in 1985, it has specialized in financing public infrastructure, facilities, and services for public agencies and private sector clients throughout the United States.
DTA has provided public finance consulting services to over 3,000 public and private sector clients and utilized a variety of public financing mechanisms, such as Community Facilities Districts (“CFDs”), Assessment Districts (“ADs”), Special Service Areas, Local Improvement Districts, Public Improvement Districts, Certificates of Participation, Tax Allocation Bonds, Sewer and Water Revenue Bonds, Marks-Roos Bond Pools, Landscaping and Lighting Districts (“LLDs”), Integrated Financing Districts, and various types of regional and benefit area-based fee programs. The firm is also heavily involved in the establishment of public-private partnerships to fund municipal needs and in the implementation of Property Assessed Clean Energy (“PACE”) financing programs to finance energy-related improvements for new and existing development.
DTA’s experience in the formation of over 2,000 local special districts and funding programs over the past 33 years, with bond authorizations exceeding $60 billion, has given us a perspective and level of skill that is unmatched in our industry. In addition, DTA has also assisted clients in obtaining infrastructure funding through numerous programs promulgated under the authority of various state and federal agencies. As a result, our clients have been awarded dozens of state and federal grants and loans, as well as proceeds from various tax credit programs. In addition, DTA has prepared hundreds of Fiscal Impact Reports (“FIRs”) and Economic Impact Analyses (“EIAs”) related to land development plans and projects, as well as Development Impact Fee (“DIF”) justification studies to determine impact fee levels to fund infrastructure and public improvements. Finally, DTA has assisted public agencies and property owners in negotiating development agreements related to infrastructure financing issues and our engineering staff has assisted dozens of clients by providing construction management support related to compliance with various public bidding and prevailing wage regulations.