DTA was hired by the City of Cathedral City in 2014 to determine the fiscal impacts of the annexation of the North Corridor Extended Specific Plan to the City and develop a Plan of Services for the annexation area for submittal to the Riverside County Local Agency Formation Commission (“LAFCO”). DTA’s analyses, which required approval from both the City Council and the Riverside County Local Agency Formation Commission, included a 591‑acre series of mixed-use developments that will ultimately encompass 1,300 single-family residential units, 1,900 multi-family units, 320,000 square feet of retail space, 190,000 square feet of office space, 286,000 square feet of hotel property, and 595,000 square feet of light industrial development. As the area being analyzed was initially located within unincorporated Riverside County and was to be annexed into the City, DTA’s analysis incorporated the fiscal impacts of the development of the annexation area on the City General Fund, County General Fund, County Structural Fire District Fund, and County Free Library District Fund. As the annexation has now been approved, DTA is currently developing a flood control financing program with the City, Coachella Valley Water District, and California Statewide Communities Development Authority (“CSCDA”) to enable development to proceed north of the 10 Freeway within the City.