DTA recently completed an update of an original AB 1600 Fee Justification Study that our firm prepared for adoption by the Paso Robles City Council in 2006. DTA’s 2006 engagement involved the preparation of the Fee Justification Study and a Fiscal Impact Analysis (“FIA”) for the City. Major project objectives included a comprehensive review of existing City fee programs and ordinances; the identification of needed backbone infrastructure, with an emphasis on the transportation facilities required east of State Highway 101 and costs related to any existing infrastructure deficiencies in that area; an update of the City’s existing fee program, and the preparation of a draft ordinance to be utilized by the City for the collection of fees. In addition, DTA also successfully completed the formation of a Citywide Mello-Roos Community Facilities District (“CFD”) to mitigate the police and fire protection services shortfalls determined through the preparation of an FIA by DTA. Furthermore, our firm has very recently prepared a series of cash flow proformas for each major infrastructure category from the City’s Public Facilities Needs List for long-term budget and financial planning purposes.