The Highlands is a 697-acre, 1,474-residential unit master-planned development located in the Town of Trophy Club. Bonds in the amount of $27,500,000 were issued in 2007. DTA’s implementation responsibilities for The Highlands PID, Town of Trophy Club PID No. 1, include tax parcel, subdivision, and ownership change research; assessment installment calculations; payoff calculations; the determination of annual budget, including detailed financial reconciliation of the prior year’s revenues and expenditures; trustee compliance monitoring; management of the billing and collection of assessment installments, including the mailing of collection/reminder letters and providing assistance to foreclosure counsel; the preparation of annual service and assessment plan updates; the review and approval of improvement fund disbursement requests; the preparation and dissemination of Rule 15c2-12 reports; arbitrage/rebate computation and reporting; and fielding and responding questions from property owners and other interested parties.